Rules of Entry

  1. Entrants must be no less than 8 and no more than 18 years old as at 31 December of the audition year and their principal place of residence must be in the municipalities of Eurobodalla, Bega Valley or Shoalhaven.
  2. Entries must include the name and date of birth of the entrant and other requested information and the correct entry fee ($30.00 per entry). Entry fee may be paid by Direct Debit or by cheque as indicated on the Application Form.
  3. Entries must be emailed to by 5.00pm on Friday 26th September 2025. 
  4. Entrants may make multiple entries by entering in more than one discipline, eg two instruments or voice and instrument, or each of the two genres (see 5 below) and an entry fee paid for each separate entry. At the audition an entrant must perform two pieces of music for each entry and these pieces must be of a contrasting nature.
  5. Scholarships are divided into two levels. Senior is for entrants who are aged between 14 and 18 prior to December 31st of the audition year. Junior is for entrants who are aged between 8 and 13 prior to December 31st of the audition year. Awards will normally be made for first, second and third in each category.
  6. Each level is further divided between musical genres – entrants who are performing classical music and entrants performing contemporary style music. However the adjudicator reserves the right to move the entrant from one musical genre to the other prior to or following the audition performance. Questions regarding whether a piece falls into the Classical or Contemporary category should be addressed to Jess Ferguson by email
  7. A maximum of seven (7) minutes is permitted for each entrant/entry at Junior level and ten (10) minutes at Senior level to perform the two pieces.
  8. Awards are decided at the sole discretion of the adjudicator. The adjudicator’s decisions are final and no discussion will be entered into.
  9. Where an entrant has been awarded first place in a category on two previous occasions, s/he is not eligible to be awarded first place in that category. S/he may enter another category and will be eligible to be awarded first place in that category.
  10. Competitors needing an accompanist must make their own arrangements.
  11. Competitors must provide their own technical equipment (eg amplifiers, drum kits, vocal PA). If this requirement cannot be met please contact Jess Ferguson by email 
  12. Entrants must ensure that they observe any copyright laws applying to the music performed. This means that any sheet music used by the entrant must be an original. The original must be sighted at time of registration on the day of the Auditions. Entrants must pass a copy of the music or lead sheets to the adjudicators; a photocopy may be used for this purpose. If this rule is broken the entrant will be disqualified. Photocopies may be used by accompanists. 
  13. The St. Cecilia Music Scholarship Committee reserves the right to
    • refuse or disqualify any entry based on non-compliance of rules;
    • not hold auditions for a level or musical genre due to insufficient entries;
    • not offer an award in a category if the standard is deemed to be too low; and
    • request proof of age.
  14. Auditions will be held on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th October 2025. It is possible that all auditions will be held on the Saturday however actual audition times will depend on the number of entrants in each category. Entrants must be prepared to attend auditions on the date set. If there are specific reasons why attendance on one of these days is not possible please advise Jess Ferguson at the time of application.