Audition Application Form

To lodge an application for the St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarships please complete the online form below.

You can make multiple entries with a single form submission if you’d like to enter in more than one discipline (e.g., two instruments, or voice and instrument, or each of the two genres). However each entry is subject to a $30 application fee.

Applications will close at 5.00pm on Friday the 26th of September, 2025.

If you have any difficulties or questions please contact Jess Ferguson by email

Audition Application

Applicant Details

Scholarship Level

Junior is for entrants aged between 8 and 13 prior to December 31st of the audition year.
Senior is for entrants aged between 14 and 18 prior to December 31st of the audition year.

Audition Entries

You may make multiple entries by entering in more than one discipline, eg two instruments, or voice and instrument, or each of the two genres. You must perform and submit two pieces of music for each entry and these pieces must be of a contrasting nature.

Each entry is subject to the $30 application fee.


Music Genre
See Entry Rule 6


Piece One


Piece Two


Your total entry fee will be:  

Music Teacher and Accompanist

Music Teacher


Payment Details

I will be paying by
Direct Credit to:

Eurobodalla St Cecilia Music Scholarship, IMB Ltd
BSB 641 800
Account No. 200038704

(please email to advise that payment has been made by Direct Credit).

Cheques may be mailed to:

PO Box 1059
Batemans Bay 2536


I understand that if I am selected as a finalist following the auditions I will be required to attend the St Cecilia Awards Concert at St Bernard’s Church, Batehaven on 16th November 2025, to be eligible to receive an award (unless an unexpected event occurs).
